måndag 2 april 2007


So well...
I'm back again, bored out of my mind!
Geez, someone please remind me why I chose Psychology? OK, it's kind of hard and sometimes really boring, but I guess I need at least one class that I actually have to think... I'm sorry all you Americans, but your school system is not hard! It's pretty much to show up and you'll pass it, not that I'm complaining! Till we start talking about Psychology and Senior Composition (what did the study counselor think when she put me, a Swedish Exchange Student, in a College preparation English class?), maybe I shouldn't complain, 'cause I have pretty easy A's in both these classes (in Sr Comp mostly I guess 'cause my teacher haven't corrected all those stupid prompts we've been writing the past month)... And an other reason I took Psychology ('cause I didn't know that would be one of my hardest classes) is that I have to take it next year in Sweden to be able to graduate... Yes, I have to graduate twice! Once here in the US, and then once back home in Sweden, so I'll get one more year of school than all my friends and my twin sister. And it really sucks to have one more year than Nana! We have done like everything together, except this exchange year I guess, and to have to go one more year in High School when she starts College and probably moves out of the house will really stink!

I don't think anyone who's not a twin understand the relationship some twins have. I'm sure (actually I know) that some twins don't have the same relation Nana and I have. To not be able to see her everyday and talk about the most random stuff has been hard. I knew it would be hard, but I never imagined how hard it actually was. During my first month here I thought about her every minute of every hour of every day! When I saw something I knew she would like I almost turned around as if she was right behind me and point it out for her or thinking "I have to tell Nana this when I get home, so she can come with me here tomorrow!".

Nana is and will always be my best friend, I know that she got my back when the rest of the world will turn their backs to me. Oh, I guess I have some friends that will stick with me for the rest of my life like my amazing Helena, but I've known her for her entire life (she's 2 years younger) and she's like my sister. I spend a lot of time at her house, and the sisterhood becomes even stronger because her parents are my Godparents and would become my guardians if something would happen to my parents (or at least before I turned 18). But back to Nana, Nana is actually not her real name, but my nickname of her since we were tiny tiny. Her name was just to hard for me to pronounce (r's and k's aren't easy when you're little), and I still uses it every know and then...

I can't wait till she'll come here with the rest of the family in the middle of June and visit me and my host family! I'll have a blast showing her everything that is now a part of my everyday life, especially the fat ponies grazing outside my window.

Just about 75 days till they are coming!

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